Whether you’re in the oil or gas industry, or a producer of any other substance, tank cleaning is an essential step in the industrial process. Having a well-maintained tank from شركة تنظيف خزانات بجدة can help reduce production costs and increase product quality, as well as protect the environment. But how can you ensure that your tank is well-maintained?
Having the right tank cleaning system for your industrial process is crucial to keeping your facilities safe. The process begins with planning. The plan should include the scope of work, cost and safety aspects.

During the cleaning process, workers must wear appropriate protective gear. The materials used for cleaning depend on the process. The use of biodegradable cleaning agents reduces chemical exposure.
The risk of accidents and other hazards are also associated with working in confined spaces. Employees must be trained on proper safety procedures. They should also follow emergency evacuation procedures.
The interior walls of storage tanks often become fouled by sludge and scale deposits. The sludge blocks in-line filters and corrodes heating systems. It can also block suction lines. This can reduce the capacity of the tank.
Optimising the mix of elements for efficient tank cleaning
Optimising the mix of elements for efficient tank cleaning in the industrial process requires the use of reliable and effective technology. It has the potential to improve efficiency, reduce costs and increase the productivity of your operation. It also reduces the risk of explosions and human exposure to hazardous environments.
The process of tank cleaning starts with the removal of sludge from the bottom of the tank. Sludge contains mechanical impurities, organic matter and water. These materials are then separated and removed from the tank by using high pressure water jetting. The hot product is then recycled into the tank to soften the sludge.
An automated tank cleaning system is safe and effective. It has a closed loop cleaning circuit that allows for the recovery of 100% of hydrocarbons. It is also completely autonomous. The system monitors the atmosphere inside the tank and shuts it down if there is a malfunction.
Acid detergent
Using an acid detergent isn’t for the faint of heart, but it is a necessary evil when it comes to the industrial process. For example, many dairies use it regularly to remove milk scale. Other applications include brightening stainless steel and removing calcified mineral stains. It’s not uncommon to see a two-step cleaning regime – a rinse followed by an acid wash. The best part about the whole process is that the chemical is largely inert, meaning that the rinse water will hardly ever become polluted.
There are a few types of acid detergents: ionic (i.e., sodium, potassium, calcium), anionic (i.e., chlorinated), and non-ionic (i.e., citric). In addition, there are chelating agents such as ethylene diamine tetracetic acid and sodium gluconate.
Rotating nozzles
Depending on the application, rotating nozzles for tank cleaning can be of two types – the static and the self-rotating. While the static nozzle is a very simple device, the self-rotating nozzle is a much more sophisticated affair. It uses the force of liquid to rotate a rotor, and thus, provides better output. It also reduces the operating costs of your tank cleaning system.
The aforementioned self-rotating nozzle is best suited for smaller tanks, as its rotational speed is influenced by the pressure it is being used to clean. This allows the liquid jets to remain compact and prevents them from breaking into droplets. It is also more efficient than a static nozzle, as it can be used with high concentrations of fluids. It is also easy to maintain and has a long lifetime.
Oil recovery and hydrocarbon recovery
During a crude oil tank cleaning process, the sludge is separated from the crude oil. It is then deposited at the bottom of the tank. This sludge is further processed to extract valuable materials.
The process of oil recovery and hydrocarbon recovery from tank cleaning can help to reduce pollution in the environment. It also allows industrial tank owners to profit from the sludge.
The basic drawback of the oil recovery process is the constant need for diesel feed. This waste can also affect the quality of the product that is stored in the tank. It can also block suction lines and reduce the storage capacity of the tank.
The volume of sludge can be reduced by up to 60%. This is achieved by using a Blabo system. It uses an automated mechanical tank cleaning technique to recover hydrocarbons.